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    SharpEye™ radar technology is able to protect against the threat from small drones and extends the security perimeter of airports, bases, Critical National Infrastructure (CNI), ports, harbours and national borders. A combination of specialist radar techniques and clutter map optimisation enable SharpEye™ radar to detect UAVs and drones.

    Solid state radar ensures extremely high reliability with the transceiver having no service or maintenance requirements.

    Operating in the X-Band frequency differentiates SharpEye™ from most other ground surveillance radars used for low aerial surveillance, as this frequency is significantly less affected by rain, sea, snow, sand, dust and other forms of clutter. Due to their high frequency Ku, K and Ka Bands are more susceptible to clutter.

    SharpEye™ transmits a low powered patented pulse sequence, which enables short, medium and long range radar returns to be detected simultaneously, allowing the radar operator to maintain situational awareness regardless of the range or zoom setting of the radar display software. X-Band pulse radar has other benefits too including an excellent long and short range capability unlike FMCW or microwave sensors which are typically limited to shorter ranges.

    Doppler processing of radar returns provides coherent information concerning target velocity (radial) and enable the detection of very small and slow moving objects and targets with a low Radar Cross Section (RCS) and through a series of electronic filters is able to distinguish between the targets of interest and land and environmental clutter.

    Other differentiating technologies include Moving Target Detection (MTD) providing enhanced clutter suppression at the Doppler processing stage and pulse compression of the return signal enabling a low transmit power providing efficient use of the radar. Other Doppler radars may employ less advanced techniques such as Moving Target Indication (MTI) which does not take full advantage of the radial velocity information. Pulse compression is not possible for example with FMCW radars.

    Manufacturer name KELVIN HUGHES

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